Welcome To
Barn Hunt UK
A brand new sport to the UK for dogs and handlers, it’s teamwork.
Barn Hunt UK
Welcome to Barn Hunt
Are you looking for a new, fun activity you can do with your dog? Then Barn Hunt is for you! Barn Hunt mimics hunting for rats in a barn.
Barn Hunt is a brand new sport to the UK for dogs and handlers, it’s teamwork. Your dog uses natural instincts to find hidden tubes and you have to learn to read the dog’s signals to know when the tube(s) has been found and tell the judge.
Barn Hunt takes place in a fully fenced ring full of straw bales, which they can climb on, go through tunnels and obstacles whilst using their noses to sniff out the tubes. In the UK the tubes contain a dead rat. Our rats are sourced through reputable reptile frozen food suppliers.
The rats are hidden in specially made tubes with multiple small holes that allow the scent out so your dog can find it; the dog never comes into contact with the rat as the tubes are securely sealed only allowing the scent to escape; the dog cannot see into the tubes and neither can you. Our rats do not smell, they are removed from the freezer prior to the event and used for that day only. It is important to know that rats are not killed for the purpose of Barn Hunt, they are from a reputable reptile food supplier.

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